Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Pen Drawing - Car

I chose this image because it links in with the lyrics to the song I am doing.

This drawing was traced.

I did two drawings of the car, one free hand and the other I traced. The one I traced is a lot more accurate so it was the one that I used in Photoshop. I think using my traced version made the end design look more professional and accurate.

This was my hand drawn.

In order to colour my lines I separated the background and the ink layer. I then selected the lines and used the paint brush to colour them.

I then used block colour to fill the rest in. I did this by using the lasso tool and making it sure that it was on the "add to selection" option so I could colour more than one section at a time. Once I had selected the areas I wanted to colour I pressed shift backspace, made sure it was on the option "foreground colour" and filled it with my chosen colour.

Next I added more block colour to other areas to make it look more realistic.

I then added a pattern to my darker areas. I did this by using the paint brush, making a tiny dot, selecting it and then going to "edit" and "define pattern". It then saved to my patterns in the "pattern stamp tool" and I added it to my image.

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